Project Shoeporch is on the rise!

Project Shoeporch is a go! It is off to a running start and in no is showing no signs of slowing down. It’s a shoe porch project!

Haymarket Tesselations


Trying to do a test post.

What animal, wild or otherwise, would I want as a pet?

The kind of animal is not important. It must be an animal that I don't have to pick up the poop of. So maybe some kind of semi-sentient alien that either cleans it's own poop or that poops some kind of awesome delicious meal of my choice. I suppose it could poop something that I would not kind picking up like diamonds or emeralds.

Maybe the poo does not have any odor, like diamonds, but is not intrinsically valuable, like small round stones. That would be cool.

I guess if it was also cute, did not shed much, safe around children, and easiy to take care of, I want that pet. Oh, it must also be cheap to feed. It cannot eat diamonds and emeralds and poop smaller inferior diamonds and emeralds.

That is the pet I want!

How I'd spend $1,000

One thousand US dollars is so little in today's world. I would simple put it all towards my debts. This would be nice.

Ten thousand US dollars is still not that much. Even if it all went to debts, I would still not be debt free. It would however go a long way towards them and make me quite happy. I would probably go out for a nice dinner too.

One Hundred thousand US Dollars is much more useful. I would be completely debt free and be able to go in vacation. Bye bye school loans. This would dramatically change my life for the better. I could reduce my income dramatically and be able to afford to live much better than I do now, working almost any job I wanted. If I did not reduce my income load I would be rolling in dough! $100K after tax dollars would be an amazing boon.

If I were a superhero, I would certainly not wear tights

Would a single person who could publicly and scientifically prove reliable telekinetic abilities take down the entire sports betting industry?

I would not have a hero name as I would not be a hero per se, however as I am a generally nice person, and would therefor do nice tings with my awesomeness, I could see that I might be a hero to some.

I think some of the most useful superpowers are telekinesis and time travel. Some (Sane)Sylar/Hiro/Cheerleader type powers would be pretty much the tops.

Add some speed reading and comprehension coupled with some not so super powers like intellect and leadership skills, and you would basically have the all possible opportunities you would need to accomplish pretty much anything.

You would have limitless time to learn and accomplish any task or skill. You would live for long enough to see your plans to the end. You could go forward and backward in time to learn from any person or any even you might need to.

The telekinesis would provide limitless and easy income from sports betting alone. Also getting beers out of the fridge without getting out of your seat.

Drop Architects

drop house project

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Irina Blok’s handmade jewellery

Irina Blok’s handmade jewellery

via MoCo Loco by sabine7 on 10/2/07

Albino Octopus

via Photos from albino_octopus by (albino_octopus) on 10/20/07

Concrete Bonds


via NOTCOT.ORG by storpev on 10/10/07

Wallpaper That Blossoms

Heat Sensitive Wall Paper

via MoCo Loco by Harry on 10/6/07


May 2024

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